Hello all.
While we have internet we thought we ought to update our blog, starting with a brief mention of our time with Monica and Pelle on the Isle of Man before we set off on our trip.
M & P are our friends from Sweden, fellow ringers and two of committee who we will be working for later in the season. Thanks to Pelle we are staying with his folks in northern Sweden, but more of that later!!
Toward the end of May they came to stay with us in Laxey, enjoying good weather, ringing Chough (7) and Jackdaw (63) pullus, checking nest sites and seeing a good number of 'lifers' to add to their list of birds seen around the world.
A really memorable few days and it is very uplifting to see our Island through the eyes of new visitors - we do tend to take it for granted!! Thanks to Bob and Dave for taking us out on 'Gemini' in the hope of seeing Baskers (next year!!), watching the spectacle of the sugarloaf seabirds, seals, fishing and banter. At the Point of Ayre Gannets made a lasting impression as they do not occur in the Baltic, nor do Puffin, seen at Maughold. A great few days and a 'taster' for future visits - a few pics from Kay to give a flavour!
OK - we would show some pictures if Manx.net was any use!!!! We will try later when they havc dragged themselves somewhere close to the 21st century!!!
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