23 nets opened at 0400 with a further three opened a bit later in the morning as the wind eased. Non-standard nets closed at 1045 and Standard at 1200. A total of 30 new birds of 13 species including the second Wood Warbler of the autumn (and year) and a further two Reed Warbler.
Strong wind, 8-13 m/s
Good, 10-20 km
Almost clear skies, 1-2/8
Dry weather
Sightings of note
One of the nets could not be opened as some nearby campers had decided to use it a line to dry their clothes on!!! It is unbelievable how some people think only of themselves - thankfully a very rare occurrence. Fortunately for them I was able to resist the temptation to wake them at 0400 to tell them to move it all.
Guided talk at 1100 attracted five members of the public.
Migration watching was poor with few birds seen, some of the Members who had planned to stay longer leaving the island as a result.
Plans to do some more boardwalk replacement this afternoon.
Sightings of note
- Sparrowhawk Sparvhök Accipiter nisus 1
- Hobby Lärkfalk Falco subbuteo 1
- Green Sandpiper Skogssnäppa Tringa ochropus 1
- Greenshank Gluttsnäppa Tringa nebularia 1
- Cuckoo Gök Cuculus canorus 1
- Wren Gärdsmyg Troglodytes troglodytes 1
- Redstart Rödstjärt Phoenicurus phoenicurus 2
- Reed Warbler Rörsångare Acrocephalus scirpaceus 2
- Icterine Warbler Härmsångare Hippolais icterina 1
- Lesser Whitethroat Ärtsångare Sylvia curruca 4
- Garden Warbler Trädgårdssångare Sylvia borin 1
- Wood Warbler Grönsångare Phylloscopus sibilatrix 1
- Willow Warbler Lövsångare Phylloscopus trochilus 8
- Blue Tit Blåmes Cyanistes caeruleus 1
- Red-backed Shrike Törnskata Lanius collurio 1
- Tree Sparrow Pilfink Passer montanus 6
- Chaffinch Bofink Fringilla coelebs 1
- Yellowhammer Gulsparv Emberiza citrinella 1
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