

Wednesday 24 September 2014

A busy week for ringing, with decent weather all week and a total of 474 birds ringed by just Chris & Kay, with other ringers doing well at the site by the lighthouse, taking the annual total to over 5,000 birds.

Highlights of the week were catching a further Barred Warbler, our sixth this autumn, after getting none last year. Most of the 474 was made up of just three species: Blackcap (50), Goldcrest (204) and Robin (104), though 13 more Lesser Whitethroat took the total for the year to over 400 and included a lovely adult bird (see picture below).

A couple of frustrations on the birding front, a Yellow-browed Warbler was seen in one of the nets, but flew off as it was approached - obviously not caught well enough. On the 20th a Lapland Bunting very obligingly landed in front of the Obs on the rocks. It was carefully approached, giving great views to within 4 foot as it ran in front of us towards one of the nets. When it was close enough we got it to fly straight into the net, only to bounce out again and fly off!! Ah well, better luck next time but it would have been only the third to have been caught here.

During 'quiet' times we made progress on a number of other areas, strimming net rides and the verge on the lane leading to the Obs, mopping floors, scrubbing out a messy fridge, moving wood piles and cleaning various things that were needed for the Open House on the 20th. Also got the displays ready for the day and generally cleaned the place up a bit. Helped in all of this by Rasmus and Monica of the Committee, who made the job easier by sharing the load and taking the lead on things - cheers folks!!

The Open House itself went well with our nets open from 0445 to 1600 producing 105 birds for the day ensuring there was a upply of interesting (i.e. colourfull or cute!!) birds to show the public. About 60-70 people turned up, helping to spread the word about birds and migration monitoring.

If the day had not been long enough Monica then had a go for catching owls until late at night, but no joy.

You can tell that the birding is getting better now as more people are starting to come out and it looks like it will be getting  busy for a while!!

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