

Sunday 22 May 2016

The week ending 22nd May 2016

The week was quiet for birds (this seems to be a very unwelcome theme for May!!) with just 206 new birds caught but of 30 species, including seven new for the year: Meadow Pipit, Icterine Warbler, Scarlet Rosefinch, Marsh Warbler, Reed Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher and Red-breasted Flycatcher.
Netting took place every day with a minimum of 7 1/2 hours each day.
As it was Kays birthday on the 21st a trip to Nynashamn was made earlier in the week to shop; Kay for food and Chris for presents. Nice to wander around a town for a short while but the lure of Landsort soon called us back again!
Range of tasks in addition to ringing were completed in the week - final bit of painting of the concrete walls of the house, strimming the net rides and garden, erecting the clothes line - all mundane stuff that is the routine of life out here. Two trailer loads of rubbish were taken up to Norhamn on Thursday ready to be loaded onto the 'rubbish boat' today. It added to a huge pile of material already there, to which more was added in the last couple of days. This happens twice a year; it's amazing where it all comes from!!!
Despite a quiet days ringing on Kays birthday there was a real treat first thing in the morning. Around 0500 when checking the nets closest to the pond Chris saw a Beaver swimming across it. Quick call to Kay and we both stood watching it for a while, swimming and diving. Next trip round the nets Kay took the camera and got some decent shots of it swimming towards us.

The big news is that Sorcha arrives here on Thursday for an overnight stay with five of her friends, part of a Scandinavian road trip that started in Bergen today and finishes in Copenhagen.

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